Child Care Subsidy
What is the Child Care Subsidy?
The new child care subsidy has now replaced the Child Care Benefit (CCB) and Child Care Rebate (CCR) with a single, means-tested subsidy. The Child Care Subsidy is paid directly to providers to be passed on to families. To find out more information about the new Child Care Subsidy click here.
Child Care Subsidy Estimator
The Department of Education and Training have developed an estimator to assist families with working out their estimated new subsidy, if eligible. To access the estimator, please click here.
New Families
All families are encouraged to contact Centrelink on 136 150 or to see if you are eligible for the subsidy. If you are eligible, you will need to obtain a Customer Reference Number (CRN) prior to enrolling at Cottage Grove Early Learning. If you are already eligible and have a CRN, you will need to provide this to the centre at the time of enrolment. To receive the full benefits of CCS you must visit and complete your Centrelink Child Care Subsidy Assessment.
For more information on our fees, please click here or speak to your Centre Manager who will be able to assist you in understanding the calculation of each family’s deposit and fee rates.
MyGov Account Setup
Transitioning to the new Child Care Subsidy is not an automatic roll over from the two current payments. Families must provide new information and confirm current details using their Centrelink online account through myGov. For instruction on how to create a MyGov account please click here.